Idioms: PIE IN THE SKY – (Torta nel cielo) Significato: CASTELLI IN ARIA   I know you think everybody has the right to good medical care, but in my opinion it’s a just pie in the sky.   Lo so che credi giusto che tutti abbiamo diritto a una buona assistenza medica, ma...

Idioms: TO BE BROKE – (Essere rotto) Significato: ESSERE AL VERDE   I’m afraid I can’t help you Nancy. I’m broke myself.   Mi dispiace Nancy, ma non posso aiutarti. Sono al vere anch’io....

Idioms: TO BE OUT OF THE WOOD – (Essere fuori dal bosco) Significato: ESSERE FUORI PERICOLO   After the operations, the doctor told me that Lewis was out of the wood, but that they had to keep him under constant observation for the next two weeks.   Dopo l’operazione il...

Idioms: IF WORST COMES TO WORST – (Se il peggio arriva al peggio) Significato: MALE CHE VADA   Don’t get so upset. The bus will probably come, but if worst comes to worst we can go to the cinema another night.   Non te la prendere. L’autobus starà arrivando…male che...

Idioms: TO HAVE A BIG MOUTH – (Avere una bocca grande) Significato: BOCCACCIA (NON SAPER TACERE)   You and your big mouth! Why did you have to tell her that I was seeing Jill. She never would have found out, if you had kept your big mouth shut.   Tu...

Idioms: BITE THE BULLET – (Mordere la pallottola) Significato: STRINGERE I DENTI   I know that the situation has become difficult for you since your father was arrested, but bite the bullet and go on with your life.   So che la situazione è diventata difficile da quando tuo padre...

Idioms: TO TELL SOMEONE WHERE TO GET OFF – (Dire a qualcuno dove scendere) Significato: MANDARE A QUALCUNO A QUEL PAESE   Elizabeth complained about the way I keep the house and I said nothing. But the next time she complains, I am going to tell her where...

Idioms: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! – (Abbastanza è abbastanza!) Significato: ORA BASTA! – QUANDO E’ TROPPO E’ TROPPO   Stop complaining all the time. First you complained about the traffic. Then complained about the dinner and now you are complaining about the movie. Enough is enough!   Finiscila di lamentarti tutto...

Idioms: TO BE IN THE SOUP – (Essere nella zuppa) Significato: ESSERE NEI GUAI   If the police don’t arrive soon we’ll be in the soup.   Se la polizia non arriva al più presto saremo nei guai.  ...

Idioms: FLY OFF THE HANDLE – (Volar via dalla maniglia) Significato: ANDARE FUORI DAI GANGHERI   Tina flew off the handle when I told her that I had broken the record she had lent me. He said that it was her favorite record and that she would never...