<<Fred è la disperazione della sua famiglia: alcolizzato, ha perso il lavoro, la moglie ha chiesto il divorzio. Un amico decide di aiutarlo e lo porta al cinema dove proiettano un vecchio classico il cui protagonista è un alcolizzato.

Quando Fred vede l’uomo mentire, truffare, rubare e finire con una camicia di forza a causa del bere, inizia a sudare, si slaccia il colletto della camicia, si asciuga il viso e mostra segni di grande disagio.

Quando il film è terminato e i due escono, Fred ringrazia l’amico: “Mi hai curato – dice – mai più, mai più in vita mia andrò al cinema”>>


Fred was the despair of his family. An alcoholic, he lost his business, his wife and family through divorce. A friend of his decided to help him and took him to a cinema where they were showing an old classic in which an alcoholic was portrayed.

As Fred watched the main character lying, cheating, stealing and finally ending up in a straight jacket through drink, he began to perspire, undid his collar, mopped his face and showed signs of extreme distress.

When the film was over and they went outside, Fred thanked his friend, “You have cured me – he said – I’ll never, never go to the cinema again”>>


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