Humour 10 febbraio 2018

<<Un ragazzino, mentre torna da scuola, trova una puzzola e se la porta a casa.

La madre non ne è molto contenta e gli chiede: “Che cosa hai intenzione di fare con quell’animale?”.

Il ragazzino risponde: “La metto sotto il letto”.

“E la puzza?” chiede la madre.

“Oh – risponde il ragazzo – si abituerà!”>>


<< A little boy found a skunk on his way home from school and took it home with him.

His mother wasn’t very happy with that and asked him: “What are you going to do with that animal?”

The little boy answered: “I’m going to put it under my bed”.

“But what about the smell?” the mother asked.

“Oh – answered the boy – it will just have a get used to that!”>>


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